Bamboo Cotton Buds
Traditional plastic cotton buds are one of the biggest single-use polluters in the world. Millions of them are entering oceans and landfills every day and this is why the European Commission is voting for their ban in the near future. Nordics cotton buds are made from sustainably grown, 100% bio-degradable bamboo and organic cotton. Bamboo is a naturally anti-microbial material that causes no deforestation thus you can freely substitute those nasty plastic swabs with our wonderful eco-friendly alternative;
Made of bamboo handles and organic certified cotton
Bamboo Cotton Buds
100% bio-degradable.
sustainably grown bamboo and cotton.
Ecological bamboo
- Organic cotton
- Vegetable-dyed
- TCF - chlorine-free
- PETA Cruelty-Free - Not Tested on Animals